
Monday, February 25, 2013

"Ancient Chompers Were Healthier Than Ours"

I found this article on NPR interesting in its own right, but it's also interesting as it may connect to IBD.
  • "Researchers found that as prehistoric humans transitioned from hunting and gathering to farming, certain types of disease-causing bacteria that were particularly efficient at using carbohydrates started to win out over other types of "friendly" bacteria in human mouths."
I can only think a similar process happened in our guts.  As we consume more sugar and processed carbs, the "friendly" bacteria in the gut is overrun by the new, disease-causing bacteria.

The article goes on to discuss the resulting oral problems:
  • "...that's a problem, because the dominance of harmful bacteria means that our mouths are basically in a constant state of disease. [One researcher commented:] 'You're walking around with a permanent immune response, which is not a good thing.  It causes problems all over the place'. "
Sounds a lot like IBD to me.

The author of this article hints that this supports the Paleo Diet, and likewise, the way I see it, this also supports the use of the Specific Carbohydrate Diet to treat IBD.

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